Open Reading Group 2 - Atlas Arts

Outsider: Travelling communities and the Outsider, their role in Highland history

Friday 24 April, 7.30pm, ATLAS Arts Office

In addition to the screening of Luke Fowler’s Depositions at Atlas Arts, and to assist in placing the film in a Scottish island context, a special open reading group will be formed for this screening. The suggested texts are selected to stimulate discussion on the role of the outsider and the contribution travellers made to Gaelic culture and Highland history and what the public perception of travelling communities are now.

This reading group is free but booking is essential.

Contact ATLAS Arts to book a place.


Luke Fowler, Depositions, 2014

There is no clear dividing line between the language of [Scottish Travellers’] everyday conversation and the language of their storytelling. This is due partly to the informality of their storytelling practice and partly to their lively awareness and love of the power of words, even in everyday conversation. Stories were told round the campfire or in the tent, in the family circle and within the community. In the Highlands, where storytelling and ceilidhing were part of the traditional way of life, travellers were welcomed wherever they went for their stories and their music, as well as for the articles they made and sold. It was only with the Folk revival of the Sixties that travellers have been called upon to tell their stories outwith their own circle.

Sheila Douglas

Paper for 'Languages of Scotland' conference in Skye

Three suggested texts for the reading group

Click on the links below to access the PDFs

The Summer Travellers, Timothy Neat – Appendix 1,2 &3
The Language of Traveller Storytellers